Use Isomalt To Make Fun Mermaid Tails!!

Use Isomalt To Make Fun Mermaid Tails!!

We love how easy it is to use the tempered Isomalt to make fun, creative and edible decorations!  If you have a Mermaid fan in your life, this isomalt tutorial for making Mermaid Tails is just for you! 

Here are the supplies you will need:

Silicone Mermaid Tail Mold

Clear Isomalt Tiles

Silicone Measuring Cup

Latex and Cotton Gloves

Clear Glaze Spray

4 inch wooden stick or skewer

Edible Glitter

Gel Food Color

Flavor Oil (if desired)

Kitchen Torch

Ice Water


BE SAFE PLEASE!!!       

Melted Isomalt is HOT!!!  Always wear 2 layers of gloves when working with isomalt -- a cotton glove first and a latex glove on top to protect your hands.  Also, keep a bowl of ice water nearby in case you get some isomalt on your skin.

How to Melt Isomalt                           

  • Place your isomalt tiles in a silicone measuring cup.  We like to use silicone for this step because cleanup is easier and you don't waste excess isomalt but you can also use glass
  • Melt your isomalt in the microwave, checking every 30 seconds until the mixture is melted and bubbling. Remember to wear 2 layers of gloves as the container will be HOT!
  • Once the isomalt is completely melted and bubbling, carefully remove it from the microwave.
  • When the isomalt stops bubbling, gently stir in your gel paste color(s) and edible glitter.  If you want to flavor your decorations, now is the time to stir in your flavor oil too.  
  • Tip:  You can use airbrush colors instead of gel paste if you like.  The airbrush colors will give you a more translucent look

How To Assemble Your Mermaid Tail

  • Gently pour the isomalt into the silicone mermaid tail mold and let it sit for about 2 to 3 minutes (still wearing those gloves!)
  • Re-melt any remaining isomalt in the microwave. Place a wooden stick/skewer on the back of the mermaid tail and pour a small amount of isomalt over the top to secure it to the tail. We don't recommend using a paper stick for this as the hot isomalt will dissolve the paper.
  • Let the isomalt harden in the mold until it is cool to the touch - about 10 to 15 minutes - and then gently remove the tail from the mold.
  • If needed, use a kitchen torch to make the isomalt clear. Keep the flame about 2 inches from the tail. Constantly move the torch in circles so as not to melt the isomalt and lose the detail of the tail.
  • Let your Mermaid Tail cool completely and then spray with Clear Edible Spray to keep the isomalt from becoming cloudy.  After it’s been glazed and dried, isomalt can be left out at room temperature on display or placed in a sealed container in a cool dry place.
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